Have you ever wondered about the cause of your salicylate intolerance issues?
What if we told you that no matter what kind of food chemical intolerance you're dealing with - be it to salicylates, amines or glutamates - you're likely to be struggling with an underlying issue with your sulphation pathway?
As we cover in our latest episode with our PAT Expert Naturopath Jenny, your liver is responsible for packaging up food chemicals and flushing them out of your system. But when this system isn't doing it's job properly, these food chemicals can accumulate and cause issues.
So, what causes issues with your sulphation pathway?...
At Health & Wellness Australia & Auckland, we're a team of Naturopaths around Australia and in Auckland, NZ who specialise in a natural allergy treatment called Positive Association Technique (PAT). To find out more about PAT, visit our website - https://naturalallergytreatment.com.au/ or call us on 1300 853 023 (Aus) / 09 479 5997 (NZ)
Episode notes:
- Our Food Chemical Intolerance E-Pack (with a comprehensive list of foods containing salicylates) - https://naturalallergytreatment.us11.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ec9c3de9748701f8c504f3ee4&id=4d4857feb5
- Blog post "Mould, CIRS & Salicylates" - https://naturalallergytreatment.com.au/mould-cirs-salicylates/
- Podcast episode "What is Positive Association Technique (PAT)? - https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/what-is-positive-association-technique-pat/id1455423909?i=1000639281522
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