Milk and dairy products are so ingrained in our modern diets, yet are the prevalence of milk allergies vs. lactose intolerance! There are actually various types of reactions we can have to milk, to the various proteins, as well as lactose.
So if you suspect you’re having issues with milk or dairy products, in this episode we’ll help you decipher the different types of reactions you could be having to milk, and how you may be able to get relief from your symptoms with Positive Association Technique (PAT).
Full blog post -
To learn more about PAT:
Show notes:
Blog/Podcast - "The Gut Microbiome and Allergies"
Blog/Podcast - "The Anti-Nutrient Debate"
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a complicated disorder characterized by extreme fatigue, that may worsen with physical or mental activity, but doesn't improve with...
Discussing the driving factors behind rising allergy rates!
Discussing one of the most prevalent naturally occurring food chemicals, and common PAT treatment we do in clinic - amines! - What are amines?...